pleased Monday! Faisons cela.


This morning I had some hot tea and a piece of toast with almond butter before my run.
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Travel Jane Review
Travel Jane portable urinal review.

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What I eat In A Day – runner edition


Then, I set off for an easy 8 miler.

Faire un vœu!

Post run eats

included toast and eggs cooked with spicy laughing cow cheese – this is the best new combo of my life.

And now the title of my post comes from a little lesson I learned this morning…

How to know when to wash your hair:

1. Every two or three days depending on how much you’ve kept up styling between washes and how oily your scalp gets. everyone is different in this area and some people can go a lot longer.

2. After a disgustingly sweaty long run or workout and you’re going to smell like a dirty sock if you don’t lather up.

3. When you find almond butter in your hair. Yeah, this happened.

Seriously Monican, get it together…

Here is a web MD short article on how often to wash your hair.

Warning: reading web MD may lead you to believe you have hair cancer.

Question: Did you wash your hair today?

I did, but now I kinda wish I would have left the almond butter in there for a snack…

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